Harry Potter Drinking Game
Photo by Jules Marvin Eguilos

Harry Potter Drinking Game

Welcome to our Harry Potter Drinking Game! Grab your favorite beverages and get ready for a magical evening filled with spells and brews. This game is designed to be played while binge-watching the Harry Potter movie series. You won’t need any defense against the Dark Arts, but you might need some defense against that hangover tomorrow!

Just remember, in the wise words of Hagrid, “It’s better out than in!”

So, let the potion pouring begin, but remember to drink responsibly as too much Firewhisky might have you seeing Nargles!

The rules…

Take a sip whenever:

  1. Anyone says “Harry Potter”
  2. Ron says “bloody hell” or “blimey”
  3. Hermione acts like a know-it-all
  4. Draco acts like a [insert favorite cuss word]
  5. House points are awarded or taken away
  6. Harry’s scar hurts
  7. A magical creature creates terror
  8. You see the Hogwarts Express
  9. Someone receives owl mail
  10. A painting talks
  11. Dumbledore provides wisdom
  12. Snape glares at Harry
  13. Dudley acts like a brat
  14. Dobby says “Dobby”

Take two sips whenever:

  1. A spell goes wrong
  2. Fred and George Weasley create chaos
  3. “Voldemort” is spoken

Finish your drink when:

  1. A golden snitch is captured
  2. Someone uses one of the unforgivable curses (Avada Kedavra, Cruciatus, Imperius)

Even More Fun

Looking to rally the troops at the end of each movie? Consider trying ones of these games:

  1. Allow a player to choose a character, spell, or magical creature, and act it out without speaking. The others have to guess what it is. The person who guesses correctly first assigns a sip to another player.
  2. Players take turns inventing a “magical potion” by combining different drinks. Everyone must take a sip of the resulting potion, and the player who created it gives a name and a magical effect for it.
  3. Choose two players to engage in a “duel.” They take turns naming spells, the first to hesitate or repeat a spell takes a sip.

Feel free to mix and match your favorite rules and enjoy this magical adventure! Note: If you’re really getting into Harry Potter, we highly recommend taking the Official Hogwarts House Sorting Quiz .


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